Thursday, October 20, 2011

A New Senshi: Chapter 11.3 - A Letter To Those Left Behind

Dear Yuko,
It’s been quite a long time since I saw you last and I’m sorry it took this long to write my first letter to you. I hope this letter finds you and Watanuki well. Things have been so busy and crazy here since we got back though, if I’m right, it hasn’t been nearly as long a time there as it has been here.
Edward and I were married soon after coming back since it would seem that you had been right and the keeper hadn’t taken away my ability to have children. It was actually good that we’d already planned to do it, we just moved ahead a little faster than we had planned on. But we all know how destiny or hitsuzen works, we can’t fight it, just choose how we get there. The girls were born not too long later, twins, Amy and Nina. Thanks for the advice on their names by the way, they really were great little girl names. They’re seven now and quite a handful but we couldn’t have asked for more perfect little ones. I’ve included pictures of them and from the wedding and from lots of other points in our lives so far so you can share them.
Edward has gone back to being a State Alchemist too, but thankfully now that Mustang is in charge of the military here, being a State Alchemist doesn’t mean he has to be a human weapon or a “dog of the military” anymore. Actually he’s become a teacher. Imagine that, Edward a teacher. Aspiring alchemists from all over Amestris come to Resembool to learn alchemy from him. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised given the fact that he was the youngest State Alchemist in history and one of the people that saved Amestris from complete destruction. I even used the idea of him teaching me alchemy to get close to him to begin with. I can’t miss the irony in that. His brother Alphonse helps him out from time to time considering he’s pretty gifted himself and a master of not only Amestrian alchemy but Xingese alchehestry as well.
Alphonse actually spends the majority of his time with May at their clinic though. They were married about a year after Edward and me and their son, Maes, was born about a year later. The girls pick on him something terrible but protect him just as much. If you didn’t know better you’d swear he was their little brother not their cousin.
Amy and Nina are showing a lot of promise in alchemy already too. I try to get them to leave it be until they’re older but I can’t argue when Edward counters with how young he learned to do it so I’ve given in and let him teach them. Though I can see powers like mine growing in Nina so I know it won’t be too long before I’ll be teaching her of the responsibilities that go along with it. I’m just hoping the power doesn’t completely awaken until she’s at least 18, the age I was when I received my power.
Izumi and Sig visit often too. She insists that the girls need to learn martial arts as well and though Edward and I train them regularly, she always says we’re too soft with them. Neither Edward nor I stop her though; we know she won’t be coming to visit much longer. Even now, they don’t visit as often as they did. Izumi’s health has really turned for the worse but we’re all just glad she has lasted this long. She’s been a world of help to me and she treats the girls like her own grandchildren but then Edward and Alphonse were like sons to her.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that we’re going to be blessed one more time. We recently found out that we’re going to be having another baby. Edward says he hopes for a little boy this time but I know he feels the same way I do, it doesn’t matter if it’s a little boy or a little girl, we’ll be happy just as long the baby is healthy. May and Alphonse have been seeing to that though.
Our little house in Resembool is so full of life and love and I couldn’t have asked for anything more. We’ve been truly blessed for all of the heartache and pain we’ve both had to endure to get here. Everyone gathers at our house regularly and there’s so much laughter and good times it makes everything else seem like another life.
When you see my father again, when you talk to my mother and my friends, please let them know that things are good here and that I miss them and think of them often. I hope their lives are filled with as much joy as mine is.
Hopefully I’ll hear from you soon. Thank you again for everything you’ve done and that you’re doing for me and for Edward.
Natalie Elric

Just as Natalie finished the letter and was sealing it in an envelope, Edward came in from outside. “Hey beautiful, what’s taking so long? The girls are getting antsy and they won’t start their alchemy lesson if you’re not there too.”
Natalie chuckled and quickly transformed to make the portal to send the letter. “I’ll be along in a second. Just need to send this to Yuko.” With the portal open she slipped the letter in and closed it. Changing back she took Edward’s hand and kissed him on the cheek. “Alright dear, let’s get going. We can’t keep Amy and Nina waiting now can we?”


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