Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A New Senshi: Chapter 10.4 - What Will You Do Now?

While Natalie rested, Edward sat out in the backyard of Yuko’s shop. James came out and sat beside him.
“So you’re the young man my daughter decided to risk everything for huh?”
Edward looked over at the blonde haired, blue eyed man sitting next to him. He actually reminded him a lot of his own father now that he really had a chance to look at him without all of the drama.
“She’s not the only one who was willing to risk everything but yeah, I guess you could put it that way. By the way, how’s the jaw?”
James chuckled, rubbing at it. “Swollen but I deserved it. She packs more of a punch than I figured she would.”
“Natalie’s a strong girl… No, she’s a strong woman,” he said with a chuckle.
“I should have figured, her mother is a strong woman too but I see Natalie ended up with my temper.” James extended his hand to Edward. “I didn’t get the chance to properly introduce myself earlier, James Simon.”
Edward took his hand and firmly shook it. “Edward Elric.”
James chuckled. “A good, strong name to go along with a solid hand shake, that’s good.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I wouldn’t want to think that I’d be trusting my daughter to a man with no integrity and that couldn’t protect her.”
Edward grinned a bit. “I think I’ve already proven to her that I can do that.”
“I should hope so. I would hope she wouldn’t have fallen in love with you if you couldn’t.”
“Not that she really needs me to sometimes,” Edward said with a laugh. “I think she has more strength inside of her than most guys do. If nothing else she knows I’ll always have her back.”
James smiled softly. It was good to hear someone say that Natalie was that way. He had hoped she would grow into a beautiful and strong young lady. “Do you stand up to her too?”
“What do you mean?”
“When she tries to do something she shouldn’t be doing, do you try to stop her?”
Edward chuckled. “When it makes sense to I do. She’s not always easy to deal with when she’s got an idea in her head and you try to tell her no, especially when she’s really passionate about it. Though I guess I’m not one to talk, I can be that way too. She’s pretty good at reeling me back in when I get that way. Only her and my younger brother have ever really been good at that.”
“Ah, so you two balance each other out, that’s important.” James thought for a moment then looked at Edward. “Would it be alright if I ask how you two met? I know she came to your world and that she helped you out after you found about her secret but what happened from there?”
Edward took a deep breath. “I’m not sure what there is to really tell. She did come to my world and even though I didn’t see it at first, there was a part of me that fell for her the moment I saw her. When she tried to leave I tried to stop her, I even asked her to take me with her. She refused; she even told me that she’d lose something important to her if she let me come with her but she didn’t know then what that important thing would be.” Edward lowered his head. “After a bit of encouragement from my brother, I went after her and I just… I was selfish… I pretty much forced her to take me with her.”
“What made you do it?”
Edward chuckled. “Then, the reason I had was that she had already given up so much, or at least we both believed she had, just because she loved me. She came to my world already knowing that. Like I said, it was selfish but I couldn’t let her leave, not without knowing for sure how I really felt about her. I had pretty much given up on a lot of things when she came and I guess you could say she gave me my light back. Natalie gave me a reason to get up again and keep moving forward. My brother saw it before I did so when he pointed it out to me I just went after her without thinking about it anymore. I should have known better but that’s always been a flaw of mine, not always thinking things through completely before trying to do them.”
“I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much for it Edward, it’s a flaw most people have. Besides, I don’t think Natalie regrets it or blames you.”
Edward chuckled. “I think you’re right Mr. Simon, though earlier today when she found about not being able to go home that might not have been the case. It is my fault as I said…”
James shook his head. “No, I think no matter what she may have said to you, I don’t think she ever believed it was your fault. It really wasn’t anyone’s fault. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years is this, we all walk a path set out for us and everything happens according to that design. Yes we get to make the decisions on how we walk that path but in the end we always end up right where we’re supposed to. Given that, I do have one more question for you.”
Edward looked at him curiously. “What’s that?”
“What are your plans from here?”
Edward smiled a bit and looked down at the ground. “I’ve asked her to come back to my world, to Resembool with me…”
James chuckled. “Is that so?”
Edward nodded. “I know it’s not where she came from but I asked her to make a home there with me. She’s everything to me Mr. Simon, I just… I just want to make her happy. Seeing her crying today, seeing her in that much pain… that look has been on her face too many times already. I don’t want her to ever feel that way again. If she cries, I want it to be from happiness, not from sorrow.”
“Just promise me one thing Edward.”
“What’s that Mr. Simon?” he asked looking at him.
“Promise me you’ll always take care of her. She’s a strong girl but she’s also very fragile. She needs, no she deserves someone who will always stand with her and help her up if she falls.”
Edward grinned. “I would do that for her if you asked me to or not, but you have my word. I promise I’ll always take care of her, no matter what happens.”
“Very good,” James replied his face now turning a bit sad. “I wish I could be there to see…”
“See what?” Natalie said as she walked out to join them.
“Ah! Natalie! Feeling better?” Edward said. Both he and James stood up quickly, looking quite a bit embarrassed.
She looked at them suspiciously. “What were you two talking about?”
“Nothing really, just a father to future son-in-law talk, nothing else.”
Natalie blushed a deep red. “You told him Ed?”
“He’s your dad, of course I told him…”
James laughed. “It’s alright, I’m happy. Edward is a fine young man and our conversation just served to prove it. Even though I won’t be there, I’m proud to be able to say my daughter will be marrying a man like him.” He put his arm around Edward. “I’m proud to be able to have a son like him.”
Natalie looked at them, her lip quivering, her eyes slowly filling up. “You mean that?” she asked. “You’re not mad about all of this?”
James nodded as he let go of Edward and went over to her, hugging her close. “I do mean it and I’m not mad at all. You’ve grown up so much Natalie and I’m proud of you. I’m sorry for the things I’ve had to do and that I’ve never been able to be much of a father to you but you’re still my little girl and I hope you know that I do love you.” He gently kissed her forehead. “I just want what any father of a daughter wants, her happiness.”
Natalie stood there in her father’s arms not hugging him back. She was still mad at him but then she caught sight of Edward. His expression was soft and encouraging almost like he knew that she was debating returning her father’s affection. Natalie sighed heavily and gave in, hugging her father in return. “I understand why you did what you did,” she said softly. “I’m not sure I can forgive you, not yet, but… thank you… Daddy…”
Tears streamed down James’ eyes when she finally called him that. “That’s more than I deserve, thank you my little honeybee.”
“Honeybee?” Edward said trying not to laugh.
Natalie shot him a look. “Shut it, little man,” she said through gritted teeth.
Edward blushed; he’d forgotten that she had been there in that in between world when his mother had called him that. “Consider it shut,” he said.

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